5 Easy Steps to Follow for Turning ON your Sprinkler System

1) Go to the Back Flow Device outside of the house. Turn OFF two butterfly handles and the two small valves (pictured above #3) with a screw driver. The closed position is perpendicular to the pipe. (image shown with handles in OPEN position)[…presently everything should be in the OPEN position after the Winterization]
2) Go to the main tap turn on in the house and open the valve slowly.
3) Go back outside to the back flow device and open the first butterfly handle by slowly turning it parallel to the pipe (it is normal to have some water come out). The first valve will be the bottom valve on the back flow unit, or just follow the pipe where it exits the house to the first valve.
4) Slowly open the last butterfly handle charge the system.
5) Go to the controller and run the zones.
Need some help on sprinkler system moved into house has a system but not connected.